Application Development in Cartography

Autumn semester 2023

Maps of Choice

Supervisors: Katharina Henggeler, Lorenz Hurni, Chenjing Jiao, Alexander Müdespacher, Andreas Neumann


The purpose of the course was to prototypically implement a 3D web application with Cesium.js and Vue.js to given datasets of different topics of the students' choice.


Claudio Affolter – Building Ages of Zurich
Ross Bathgate – Ice Breaker - Retreating Glaciers of Switzerland
Philippe Bättig – SwissGeoChallenger (Educational Game)
Mischa Bauckhage – geoTour (visualisation of GPS track data in Switzerland)
Jonathan Hecht – Elbe Exploration (Hamburg)
Chenxi Jiang – Pet Preference in Switzerland (cat or dog?)
Dagmara Pasiak – Animal Tracker (Playback of GPS track data)
Chiara Sabato – MeteoSwiss Chronicles (visualisation of past weather data)
Elina Scheiring – ExploreRunner Zurich (discover jogging routes around Zurich)
Styrmir Thorsteinsson – Off the Road Tracker (Iceland)
Thierry Weber – Bird Sanctuaries of Switzerland
Juliette Wicki – Education in Switzerland
Further information

Course details to Application Development in Cartography